Our removable mattresses fulfil three basic functions

Thermal insulation

Conserving the energy produced and ensuring the temperature required for production processes

Touch protection

Guaranteeing safe working conditions around equipment operating at high temperatures

Sound insulation

Reducing levels of noise and resonances harmful to the human body


We have the broadest experience in the following areas.

Valves can be found in almost every industrial environment and production unit. Their standard size and shape allow them to be efficiently sealed by mattress technology. Due to their large and complex surface area, they are of particular importance in minimising energy loss.

Typically, pipe flanges are one of the most frequently dismantled positions, so they are one of the first areas to recommend a sewn-in insulation solution for due to the resulting significantly faster investment return time compared to traditional insulation.

In general, insulating mattresses should also be used on pipes where chemical resistance is particularly important, where there may be a high level of workforce traffic, or where the pipe is located between two positions that are already fitted with sewn-in jackets.

Boilers and tanks are often set up factory insulated, but insulation mats are best used to insulate boiler doors, hatches and other mobile surfaces.

On board cruise ships and military vessels, the insulation mattresses of scrubber systems are made of marine certified materials, helping to reduce emissions and energy efficiency of maritime traffic while ensuring maximum safety.

Our company's main profile is the manufacture of customized insulation mattress systems for steam and gas turbines (Siemens, GE, etc.). Our absolutely high-grade, 600+℃ heat resistant, stainless steel wire reinforced glass cloth mats tolerate frequent disassembly well and save time, energy and material costs during annual shutdowns in addition to ad-hoc partial removal. Extreme high temperatures can also cause the fibreglass fabric and insulating material to harden over time, but the wire reinforcement still ensures years of functionality and reusability, making the mattresses more economical than conventional insulation already after the first disassembly.

Our soundproofing systems with HeavyFoil addition ensure that noise pollution is minimised and resonances that cause long-term damage to people and equipment are reduced.
